あなたの街のキリスト教会 東京都新宿区新宿7-26-22 電話03-3207-0307

Welcome to Okubo Baptist Church

Come and Worship with us!

We are holding Sunday Service and Evening Service.

Sunday Morning Worship:  Every Sunday from 11:00 to 12:00

English message text is provided only in the morning worship

Evening Worship: Second and Fourth Sundays from 17:00 to 18:00

So please visit our Church YouTube Channel &

Facebook (Okubo Baptist Church)

Contact Us :    okubo_baptist@okubo-bap.org

God bless you!



  • 「あなたの救い主に出逢う備えをせよ」 十二月第一主日礼拝 宣教 2024年12月1日  アモス書 Amos 4章4〜13節     牧師 河野信一郎 Good morning. Today is the beginning of the month of December. Advent has started today, and the chapel was also decorated for Christmas last week, and this morning one of the candles in the Christmas Krantz was lit. It is very beautiful. We thank the Lord for the blessing of being able …

    Prepare to meet your Savior

  • 「神はわたしたちの祈りを待つ」 十一月第四主日礼拝 宣教 2024年11月27日  詩編 Psalms 66編10〜20節     牧師 河野信一郎 Good morning. It is so early, the last Lord’s Day of November. No wonder it is getting colder. I am grateful to be able to worship with you all this morning. Finally, Advent will begin next week on the 1st. We will be decorating for Christmas today after the service. Please help …

    God is waiting for us to pray

  • 「恵みを与えようとあなたを待つ神」 十一月第二主日礼拝 宣教 2024年11月10日  イザヤ書 Isaiah 30章18〜26節     牧師 河野信一郎   Good morning. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to worship with you this morning. It has been getting much colder in the mornings and evenings recently, so we have put out the stove at our house. However, it seems that this week we will have some warm days with temperatures as …

    God is waiting for you to give grace