あなたの街のキリスト教会 東京都新宿区新宿7-26-22 電話03-3207-0307

Welcome to Okubo Baptist Church

Come and Worship with us!

We are holding Sunday Service and Evening Service.

Sunday Morning Worship:  Every Sunday from 11:00 to 12:00

English message text is provided only in the morning worship

Evening Worship: Second and Fourth Sundays from 17:00 to 18:00

So please visit our Church YouTube Channel &

Facebook (Okubo Baptist Church)

Contact Us :    okubo_baptist@okubo-bap.org

God bless you!



  • 「残りの生涯を御心に従って生きる」 七月第二主日礼拝 宣教 2024年7月14日  ペトロの手紙一 (1 Peter)  4章1〜6節     牧師 河野信一郎 Good morning. We are in the midst of a very difficult time of the year, with either extremely hot days or rainy days alternating day after day, making it very difficult to take care of our physical condition. I am sure that some of you will have difficulty returning to …

    Following the will of God for the rest of life

  • 「試練も御心と信じて委ねる」 七月第三主日礼拝 宣教 2024年7月21日  ペトロの手紙一 1Peter 4章12〜19節     牧師 河野信一郎 Good morning. I thank the Lord for the blessing of being able to worship with you this morning in His mercy. As has been reported daily in the news, the number of infections caused by a new coronary mutation strain is on the increase nationwide as the 11th wave. In addition, the …

    Trust the will of God in the midst of hardship

  • 「恵みを振り返って、前を向く」 七月第一主日礼拝 宣教 2024年7月7日  使徒言行録 Acts 22章6〜16節  創立59周年を覚える礼拝   牧師 河野信一郎 Good morning. This morning’s service is a time to give thanks to the Lord for the 59th year since Okubo Church was established in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and to make a decision together to walk in trust with the Lord in the future. As a church located in the middle of a world-class …

    Look back the grace and move forward